Interim management
The nature of the interim management is „a lease“ of a manager for a specific period with defined tasks and goals. The service is advantageous mainly in time of changes and offers the company flexibilty in time and fix costs.
Typically the service is used in the following situations:
- 1) The Company has not a suitable candidate for a position of the company manager or department manager.
- 2) There is a need for manager just for a limited period, eg. during a project
According to our experience suitable period for the interim management is 6-12 monts. Such a period is usually needed for the analysis of the environment and for performing all the necessary steps to meet the set goals.
The advantages of interim management
- Usage of the knowledge of an experienced manger
- Reduction of wage and other expenses (travelling, training, employee benefits, IT equipment, etc.)
- Possibility of using the manager to work at the client’s site or remotely
- The interim manager is not historically linked to the employees and thus provides an objective view
- Focus of the manager on the goal fulfillment
- Possiblity of training and knowledge sharing with other employees or training of a new manager